About Initiative
Point of Care
Webcast on Demand

Live webcast
Jointly sponsored by
University of Kentucky
College of Pharmacy
and Vemco MedEd

This activity is supported
by an educational grant from
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
administered by
Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC

The online tutorial series with a case reinforces practical application of tools and competencies acquired during the live activity. Each tool is a combination of essentials in clinical practice, links to relevant scientific publications, and printable handout material for reference. Clinical Case following the online tutorials gives the learners an opportunity to earn extra CE credit upon completion.

  1. Differentiating Types of Pain
  3. Assessment of Pain
  5. Know Your Drugs: Non-Opioids
  7. Know Your Drugs: Opioids
  9. Minimizing Adverse Effects
  11. Clinical Case


What other changes would you consider for this patient?

In addition to discontinuing tramadol and methadone due to concerns regarding QT interval prolongation, the clinician may consider weaning and eventually discontinuing cyclobenzaprine and carisoprodol as these may not be optimal choices for Emily's type of pain and can be contributing to adverse effects (such as memory loss). An SNRI (such as venlafaxine, milnacipran, or duloxetine) should be considered to treat fibromyalgia in addition to optimizing the dose of pregabalin. A controlled-release opioid can be used in place of methadone while topical diclofenac can be effective to treat knee and shoulder pain. This multimodal approach may offer Emily better results in alleviating her pain.5,6 Physical therapy and weight loss should also be encouraged to complement her pharmacotherapy program.

The currently available long-acting oral opioid formulations are listed here:

Name Dosing Interval Administration
Kadian (morphine)
q12h or q24h Capsule, sprinkle, G-tube
Avinza (morphine)
q24h Capsule, sprinkle
OxyContin (oxycodone)
q8-12h Tablet
MS Contin (morphine)
q8h or q12h Tablet
Opana ER (oxymorphone)
q12h Tablet
Exalgo (hydromorphone)
q24h Tablet
Nucynta ER (tapentadol)
q12h Tablet

Does Emily present with any risk factors for opioid abuse or misuse?

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