We recognize that a truly successful continuing education program will have a positive impact on
practice performance. To measure this impact, our initiatives typically include an outcomes study
component that implements various measurement techniques. These resulting reports contribute to
the design of future programs to ensure that knowledge gaps are addressed, leading to improved
patient care. These reports also provide an opportunity for program participants to see how fellow
learners reacted to the program and how the program will impact practice behavior.
The Challenge of C. difficile and Antimicrobial-Resistant Gram-negative Infections:
Opportunities to Re-evaluate Current Management Approaches
A series of 10 live pharmacy workshops
Building an Adult Immunization Practice:The Primary Care Physician’s Role in Disease Prevention
A Program Series at AFP-AOA State Chapter Annual Meetings
Zero Tolerance for HAIs: Pharmacists Take the Next Step
Towards Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
A Series of 10 Case Workshops with Antimicrobial Stewardship Meeting Simulation
at 10 State SHP Annual Meetings
Zero Tolerance for Failure: Pharmacists Fight Back!
Outcomes Poster Session at the 44th ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Exhibition