About Initiative
Point of Care
Webcast on Demand

Live webcast
Jointly sponsored by
University of Kentucky
College of Pharmacy
and Vemco MedEd

This activity is supported
by an educational grant from
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
administered by
Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC

The online tutorial series with a case reinforces practical application of tools and competencies acquired during the live activity. Each tool is a combination of essentials in clinical practice, links to relevant scientific publications, and printable handout material for reference. Clinical Case following the online tutorials gives the learners an opportunity to earn extra CE credit upon completion.

  1. Differentiating Types of Pain
  3. Assessment of Pain
  5. Know Your Drugs: Non-Opioids
  7. Know Your Drugs: Opioids
  9. Minimizing Adverse Effects
  11. Clinical Case


Which of her current medications would concern you most regarding Emily's QTc prolongation?

Many drugs are known to prolong the QT interval and/or increase the risk for torsades de pointes that may generate into ventricular fibrillation. In this patient, trazodone and methadone are both known to prolong the QT interval. Since the EKG revealed some QTc prolongation, the clinician should consider weaning or discontinuing these medications immediately. Methadone monitoring recommendations suggest that all patients be screened prior to initiation of treatment with a pre-treatment EKG to measure QTc interval and have a follow-up EKG within 30 days and annually thereafter.1 An additional EKG is recommended for all patients if the methadone dose exceeds 100 mg/day or if the patient experiences unexplained syncope and seizures.1

Would you consider adding an NSAID for Emily?

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